Located a short distance from Kittery, Maine, Netta Hart Acupuncture in Greenland is the longest practicing Acupuncturist in the Seacoast NH area. We specialize in non-narcotic practices for healing all types of pain including addictions, migraines, headaches, chronic or acute pain, joint pain, back pain, musculo-skeletal pain, injuries and pain associated with disease. We use an array of proven methods such as acupuncture, electrical stimulation, moxa warming, cupping and yogic rehabilitation. Our goal is to treat and relieve your problem permanently instead of using pharmaceuticals for temporary relief.
We utilize fundamental healing principles of mind-body medicine in order to provide complementary medical care that will balance and strengthen your immune system in order to interrupt developing health issues and to correct imbalances that have resulted in disease. In this photo, we are correcting a knee injury by reducing inflammation and increasing blood circulation.
We care about your well being and will provide you with honest guidance, knowledge, and the tools needed to recover your health. We are here to help you achieve optimal wellness. This photo is of a cupping treatment with needles for extensive pain involving the entire spine.
We understand that you are not living your best life possible unless your mind and body are healthy. We treat your problem at its root for true and long lasting healing and to not merely provide a band-aid fix. That's why we take the time to organically understand, diagnose and treat your problem. Acupuncture is effective for both acute and chronic conditions and is effective preventative medicine. It stimulates your immune system and your body's natural healing force without drugs, surgery of trauma.
In this photo, Netta Hart is evaluating her patient's pulses in order to determine organ strength.
We love our Kittery, ME customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Open today | 10:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m. |
Copyright © 2023 Netta Hart, Licensed Acupuncturist - All Rights Reserved.